Can you imagine a home with no dust, no pollutants, and no allergens irritating your airways? Doesn't that sound absolutely perfect? Believe it or not, that type of home environment is yours for the taking. All you have to do is make sure to change your air filters regularly. If your filters stay in good shape, they will catch all of the airborne particles and irritants that are attempting to infiltrate your home.
You have an array of options to meet your air filtration needs. Fiberglass is the most popular, as it is cost-effective and sturdy. Other options include polyester & pleated fibers, High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA), electronic and washable. AH will help you decide what is best for your individual home.
Since 1985, we've been a trusted resource for our neighbors here in Florida City. Each person's needs are unique, and we can help you select a style of filter that can accomplish your indoor air quality goals. For a breath of fresh air, send us a message online or call 913-358-0090 today!